Friday, September 4, 2015


A lullaby is that place where people allow love to fully blossom into a warm hug of happiness, softness, peace, and content.

This is my lullaby.

Ten or twenty acres, maybe, just enough to fence off, with a creek running though it, and possibly a duck pond.  It would have a working kitchen garden, some chickens, a goat or two, barn cats, a grazing cow for milk, dogs running freely, and a wooden cottage-cabin to live in.

The cottage has a red front door, window sill flower gardens, a brick chimney, wooden floors, twinkly lights surrounding it, and a brick path leading from the main driveway.  Inside, are laced curtains, a pile of old records with a spinning suitcase record player, large overstuffed furniture is covered in the plaids and points of Pendleton and Hudson Bay blankets.  The house smells like tooled leather, old books, cinnamon tea, coffee, and fresh baked fruit pies.  The kitchen is large with hanging pots, cast iron pans, a large steaming tea kettle, herbs hanging to dry, and a pie set out on the window sill to cool.  The living room fireplace is surrounded by a large brick hearth where a cat lays coiled up on a forgotten wool blanket.  Piles of books cover every surface near a seat.  A cup of steaming coffee sits waiting for it's owner to enjoy the morning.  The steam dances in the light between the shadows spilled into the room from the delicate lace curtains.

Every morning, the eggs are collected, the milk is poured, the waffles are toasted, and the jam jar is popped open.  Fresh orange juice sits on a large farmhouse table next to halved grapefruits with special forks, pressed coffee, fried eggs and bacon, and a book of poetry.  The windows have no screens, and the finches sit outside the windows saying their hellos and good mornings.  The cat, an orange tabby, passes between legs under the table while waiting for some bacon to drop.

The property is sprinkled with old pines that scent the morning air with their dewy needles.  A rooster crows, chickens peck at corn meal, and the cow grazes peacefully for another day.

Life is slow, life is simple, it is peaceful, delicate, brilliant, lovely, and perfect.