Friday, March 18, 2016

Feminine Energy

Your intuition may not make sense to anyone else, or seem to have any bearing on the physical perception of a situation, but you must trust it implicitly.
Your intuition is the single most ravaged strand of higher feminine wisdom: it is essentially affiliated to the feminine consciousness and therefore has been totally de-valued and discredited by modern societal conditioning.
Intuition is entwined with the deepest mysteries of the universe. It weaves and dances through the Great Web of Life. It sees into the Unknown and the as yet physically un-manifested realities, and links together the illusion of past, present and future.
It is important to acknowledge just how embedded current mass consciousness is in the masculine paradigm of linear, rational, evidence-based, logical and factual analysis. We are totally immersed in a world that highly values external, intellect-based proof over feeling, instinctive or emotion-based wisdom.
Basically, this consciousness says: if you can't see it or measure it, it doesn't exist. If you can't see a solution now, then there isn't one. If it doesn't look obvious, then it's not really there.
The one clear example I always give of this difference between the masculine and feminine processes, is of how pregnancy, labour and birth is handled in western medicine. Much of what goes on within a woman's body when she carries a baby is unseen. When she gives birth, her body knows what to do, through deep, ancient and primal processes of nature and instinct.
When this trust in the feminine process is taken away, fear sets in. The masculine paradigm is not comfortable with what it cannot see, measure, predict or control. So, it interferes with the feminine psyche and instills mistrust in the woman's ability to give birth. She begins to doubt herself, and her inner wisdom. Her body shuts down, and the flow of essential hormones is interrupted. She contracts in fear, and her body (and her baby) responds through tightening, blocking, getting stuck, and requiring intervention. Sometimes she is even told to not make any noise, or get into a position that is completely unhelpful to the natural process of birth. Often, she is in an environment that is totally non-conducive to relaxing, opening, trusting and feeling supported through a monumental physical, emotional and spiritual gateway.
All through this experience, the underlying message is:
You can't trust yourself. What you are doing is dangerous, full of threat. You have a body and a wisdom that 'we' don't understand, don't trust, and are not invested in. You need us to monitor you, take away your power, govern the choices that you make. We do all this in the name of 'keeping you and your baby safe'.
It's not to say that western medicine is not needed. It is an example of how deep feminine wisdom and intuition, and what the feminine essence requires to effect her power, is so often overlooked, ignored, patronised and even ridiculed.
Your feminine wisdom speaks to you in myriad ways. It is showing you signs, symbols, truths and revelations that are unique and frankly, miraculous displays of a wondrous universal power.
You have the ability to see 'beyond the veil' of physical, 3D reality. You have the power to KNOW. You have the power to FEEL. You have the power to discern TRUTH, where others simply rely on what is being shown to them on the surface.
I have lost count of the number of times I have discerned a deep truth, which appears unlikely, odd or even ridiculous to anyone looking purely on the surface of reality.
Indeed, I could not even do my job if I didn't trust what I am seeing through my inner eye, my heart, my spirit - because most of what I say to people defies logic, defies what they are presenting as reality, defies what they think is possible.
When these deep truths reveal themselves, it is for a healing purpose and an empowering one.
It is a direct link to Source, to the Mystery, to the All-Knowing Divine Intelligence.
When you start really giving power to this inner voice of knowing, you will be rewarded by just how often you turn out to be accurate, even when everyone else around you is saying, "That's not possible".
You will be so tapped into this rich vein of cosmic truth, that your body and soul will instantly know if what you are seeing, hearing, reading or encountering is actually as it appears on the surface.
You will see behind the words that people say, their actions, and into what is really going on on an intimate, psychic and sacred level.
You will see what is unfolding, what is coming in, what is being transformed, what is changing.
Remember, always, as Sisters & Brothers of the New Era:
Nothing is as it appears to be.

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